Teaching Jobs in Finland

Finland is not a popular destination for TEFL teachers but there are more opportunities than you might expect. Many Finnish people take extra English classes and there is reasonable demand for English for a Specific Purpose (medical, finance, etc.) and Business English tuition. Very few opportunities are advertised online so you will probably have to start your search once you have arrived. Many people are put off by the long Scandinavian winters but Finland is a paradise for those who love the great outdoors and a great choice for TEFL teachers who can locate work easily. Geography: Finland is a Northern European nation bordering Sweden and Russia. Its capital, Helsinki, sits on a peninsula and coastal islands in the Baltic Sea, and is home to the 18th-century fortress Suomenlinna, the Seurasaari open-air museum and a neoclassical cathedral. The Northern Lights can be seen from its Arctic Lapland province, also home to the country’s main ski resorts.

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updated on February-06-2025

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Latest TEFL Jobs in Finland

Job Location: Heinola - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare providd (return ticket), Duration of Contract: 3 month, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 25, Salary: 3500 Euro/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

Job Location: Turku - Apply
2 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 12 months, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 25, Salary: 3000 Euro/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

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Premium TEFL Jobs in Finland

Job Location: Tampere - Apply
2 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 3 month, Experience Required: Yes, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 20, Salary: 2250 Euro/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

Job Location: Helsinki - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished acccommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 6 month, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: 6-10, Teaching hours per Week: 25, Salary: 1470 Euro/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

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Best Paid TEFL Jobs in Finland

Job Location: Helsinki - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 3 month, Experience Required: Yes, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 20, Salary: 3900 Euro/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

Job Location: Helsinki - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished acccommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 6 month, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 25, Salary: 4000 Euro/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

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